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Top Songwriters Head to Key West in May
25th Annual Key West Songwriters Festival May 5 - 9
It’s happening, and we are super psyched to share the news! Top songwriters are heading to Key West for the 25th Annual Key West Songwriters Festival, May 5tth -9th, where more than 100 artists will perform at over 30 venues in 12 different stages across the island.
Did you know Key West Songwriters Festival is the best and the largest festival of its kind in the world? Where else can you get up close and personal with the top singer/songwriters and learn about the artists, songs, and the stories behind them? You’ll also get to enjoy the sights, sounds and tropical vibe of island life. Now that’s a winning combination for sure!
We want you to make sure you know Key West is getting ready to set the stage for a safe travel experience for all. The 2021 Key West Songwriters Festival will be more condensed with reduced capacities and mostly outdoor performances. Are you ready to experience exceptional live music experiences while learning fascinating stories behind the songs?
2021 Key West Songwriters Festival Artist Lineup
The 2021 artist lineup is quite impressive and includes Lee Brice, Robert Randolph, Lisa McKenna, Chuck Cannon, Bob DiPiero, Dean Dillon, Steve Cropper, Liz Rose, Jeffrey Steele, Bobby Pinson, Scotty Emerick, and many more.
See who else will be taking the stage in Key West during the five-day festival. View the 2021 Lineup of Artists.
Every day you can write a song but some days there is just some magic in the air and something special about the catch; other days you write all day on a songline or idea.
~ Lee Brice
Songwriter Events at The Marker
The Marker Key West Harbor Resort is a proud sponsor of the 2021 Key West Songwriters Festival!
Photo Credit: 2018 Key West Songwriters Festival
Get ready to kick back, relax poolside and tune in to the top Songwriters and Artists perform in our beautiful tropical surroundings.
Thursday, May 6th, 5:30 - 7:30
5:30 pm - Arlis Albritton & Terri Jo Box
6:30pm - Jess Meuse & CJ Garton
Free show, no tickets required
Saturday, May 8th, Noon - 3 pm
Noon - Nicky James & Mia Mantia
1:00 pm - Alyssa Micaela, Ava Suppelsa & Caroline Watkins
2:00pm - Ryan Creamer & Payton Taylor
Free show, no tickets required
Good to Know
Most of the shows are FREE to enter. There are some ticketed events. Check out the Key West Songwriters Festival Schedule Daily Show Schedule to find out who is playing where and when.
If you’ve never been, we highly recommend you add the Key West Songwriters Festival to your music festival bucket list! 100 + Singer/Songwriters with over 30 performances over five days and nights. To learn more about the festival, visit Key West Songwriters Festival. #lovethemarker
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"Next door to marina-dock, bars, restaurants. Close to Duval Street. Great service all around."
German V., Tripadvisor